Academy Info
Offering Kitesurf & Wing Foiling Academy in South East, NB. Operating out of Shediac, Cocagne & Bouctouche depending on the wind direction. Our number one priority is safety and bringing you in the best possible conditions for an all time learning experience. We pride on top of the line equipment, 2 way radios, boat assisted learning & coaches that pride your success.
Commit to either Kitesurf or Wing Foil (see packages below).
We include gear (Cabrinha), life vest, helmets, booties & wetsuit.
You will receive our booking app with our availabilities. (Wind Dependent)
Purchase package to get link to the booking app. Refundable if we cannot get you out. *50% fee for no show*
Ideal weather is +15c, no lighting and winds between 10 to 22 knots.
Lesson days are not all the time so when it's on BOOK ON THE APP.

Academy Packages
Pay now, you will receive our booking app link and we update when weather is ideal for classes.
Full refund if you decide to cancel or we couldn't get you on the water in the 2024 season!
We do not have a physical location, depending on the wind direction, the instructor will text you for exact meet up location. See list of coaching areas.

Location 1: Caissie Cape Wharf
Location 2: Cocagne Cape Marina
Location 3: Saint-Tomas de Kent
Location 4: Chez Leo (Grande-Digue)
Patrick Allain - PASA, BBA, OWNER
13 years kitesurf experience, certified instructor by PASA and dedicated to your safety. Expect world a class experience with Patt.
Follow his instagram: @pattallain